Corporate Tax Services: Swiss Company Formation & Administration

Our team at CO-Handelszentrum GmbH might not be tax advisors, but we have extensive knowledge of Swiss and international corporate tax issues that would be present during your company formation and administration in Switzerland. Therefore, our team is able to assist you in formulating an effective corporate tax strategy for your company, ensuring it meets with your short and long term business plans.
Through our network of partnerships, we luckily have access to leading Swiss and international tax experts who we are able to refer you to or discuss with in order to assist you in tax planning issues.
On the outset, we will review both the Swiss and international tax implications with you that are associated with establishing and managing your Swiss company formation and administration. We will also work with you and any tax advisors you might engage with to ensure that full consideration is given to the taxation issues arising from your business and its structure.
At CO-Handelszentrum, our team of tax specialists can assist in your Swiss company formation and administration by covering the following areas of taxation:
- Swiss Corporate Taxation
- Swiss Privileged Company Taxation
- Dividend, Interest and Royalty distributions
- International Holding and Subsidiary Taxation
- Transfer Pricing
- Double Tax Treaties and Treaty Abuse
- Advance Tax Rulings
- Personal Swiss Income Taxes
- Cross Border Tax Issues
- Swiss and EU VAT
- Swiss Social Security and Payroll Taxes
- Swiss and International Inheritance Taxes